
Stories About Turtles

If you are looking for a good story about turtles, then Bob and Joe are the books for you. We have a tab link to the author, Emma Ward above. The Adventures of Bob and Joe are great little stories to be read at bedtime or anytime. Kids will enjoy the lovable characters and you'll love the wholesome messages of fair play and friendship.

Bob and Joe are identical twin turtles who love to race. They'll race anyone just about anywhere. Meet their friends, Zebbie the Zebra, Mookie the Mosquito, Harry the Grasshopper and so many more. Here is a review in Amazon from someone who read the book...
While all my grandchildren living nearby are grown I enjoyed reading this story. It would be a wonderful addition to a preschool or kindergarten class. Children who have started reading for themselves would enjoy the book because it's fun and not too long. I also like the fact that the kids are learning some life lessons while reading something they enjoy. Anyone with children or grandchildren should consider this as a perfect gift for them.
 There are 6 different stories available for download from Amazon. Visit Amazon today and download your copies of The Adventures of Bob and Joe.

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